You Should Always Pay It Forward There's no reason to keep your successful marketing methods a secret. I always share everything I learn to help others achieve better results. After … [Read more...]
Ich Bin Bin Advertiser: How Should You Approach Amazon Ads in Germany? It's now official: If you publish through the KDP platform, you now have access to ads in both the U.K. and Germany. Now, this is pretty new for Germany. There was a way through the … [Read more...]
How to Write a Stellar Hook for Your Nonfiction Book If you're a non-fiction author, listen up. Because I'm gonna tell you the secrets to writing an effective hook… And honestly it's not that secret. It's actually pretty standard with … [Read more...]
Shiny Object Syndrome vs. Early Adoption I know that it is really tempting to look at the newest, coolest thing… One that maybe you've heard a podcast about or a tip about. Or someone posted about the cool new thing that … [Read more...]
Attention Writers of Fiction & Nonfiction: Here’s What You Should Do Next All right you rare birds, you fiction and non-fiction writers. I've got something for you. So if you write fiction and non-fiction, like I do, like several of my friends do, and several … [Read more...]
Here’s One Thing Most Blurbs Are Missing As a person whose had his hand in over 2,000 blurb rewrites (as well as writing many from scratch)… I can tell you what the vast majority of book descriptions for fiction or nonfiction are … [Read more...]
How to Celebrate Your Wins and Learn from Your Losses I understand that it's easy to fall into negative patterns. And it's easy to get down on yourself. I have depression in my family and I know you might as well. So I certainly … [Read more...]
Blurbs, Facebook Groups, and the Peanut Gallery I truly do believe that there is no such thing as a stupid question… But there are definitely questions that aren't as productive as they could be. I feel like a lot of authors … [Read more...]
Blurbs, Facebook Groups, and the Peanut Gallery I think it's really good to get feedback. I think it's way better than working in a vacuum. I think we should definitely be connecting with other authors and getting … [Read more...]
Why You Need to Get Good at Just One Thing So we see some of these big time success stories with people getting a thousand-plus dollars a month on their sales. Or $10,000. Or $100.000. Or even a million. We look at them and we say, … [Read more...]