Here’s the exact process I used to write my first four novels.
I would get up every morning, hop on the bus over to a co-op working space.
I paid maybe $80 month for a quiet workspace where no one spoke.
And I’d sit down with just me and my Neo2 keyboard.
Every morning, without fail, I typed 2500 words toward my novel.
Over the course of about a year, that led to four novels.
That’s slower than some, it’s faster than others.
But what I had going for me was the discipline to get out, go to this space, work there, put in my hours, and then come back home.
If I finished fast I could come back earlier.
If it took a while, I would have to stay out longer.
Now not everybody has that luxury, but what I want you to take from this is the discipline aspect.
You have a routine that you need to stick to.
And a routine can seem very non-creative, but really it is the best thing for creativity.
You need that discipline to do the exact same thing, to put the butt in the chair every single day
To have a specific benchmark you want to hit.
It doesn’t have to be 2500. It doesn’t have to be 10,000.
It could be 500, it could be 100.
But you have to hit it every single time, do it over and over again, and have the discipline to keep your routine going.
And that is the way you are going to be able to finish your next project.
What are your set-in-stone routines?