One of the best ways to know if your cover, your book description, your title, or if anything else is off with your book, is to actually just run an little test.
So login to your preferred ad platform.
I’m an Amazon guy, but some of you might prefer to do this with Facebook, either way you want to try to spend as little as possible to get about 100 clicks to your book.
Don’t run any other promotions, don’t do any list swaps, don’t mail your list.
All you want to do is run 100 clicks from your preferred ad platform over to your book.
Then what you’re going to do is see how many sales you have.
But you also want to know how many full Kindle Unlimited pages read you have, if your book is in Kindle Select. Those count as well, especially if your book is 300 Kindle pages.
So you add those up and then you see how many you got.
Now if you got have or more combined sales, then your blurb’s probably fine.
Your cover’s probably fine, the book should be converting well enough to make a profit.
If it’s significantly worse than 10 to one, you might need to make a few changes!
And the book description might be the easiest thing to change.
So test your conversion through ads, see how many sales you’ve got, and if it’s less than 10, you might try some changes to your blurb.